Saturday, December 4, 2010


About 1 week ago I think I drove for my first time all I did tho was the steering wheel and I freaked haha. Today I drove with the pedals and the steering wheel and its kinda scary to know that if you press just a little to hard you can get in a really big pickle. It was really fun tho I just did it in the church parking lot and a little bit of the neighbor hood. I made my mom freak out a few times. good times good times.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Halloween Party

The other day Sophie, Riley, and I were hanging out 2 or 3 days before fall break and we thought about hosting a Halloween party so we did. We all invited about 5 or 6 people each so there were like twenty girls there it was so much fun we just played games and eat food and just hung out it was a blasti think sophie and kylies costumes were the best haha the were cave women
Lizzy had my camera most of the time so she tried to get the worst pictures of me as possible.
Katelyn was seriously the life of the party haha she cracks me up

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Birthday Party

I am super sorry i have not been blogging seriously for about over a year and i know these pictures are way out of date but oh well........anyway on my birthday (oct 5) i had the best time ever. i had a party ish i just invited my best friend ever Lizzy Giles over and we hung out opened presents and had ice cream and cake. after that we took Lizzy home and took the most random pics ever haha so fun. sorry there are not a lot of pictures because i deleted some by accident oops here are the last remaining two.

Liz and me being the most random people ever haha

Sienna wanted her picture taken to