Saturday, September 17, 2011


so I WAS in the process of trying to upload photos from my ipod to my blog but it wasn't working. So until I can figure that out there will be no photos for now ): I'm really sad about that because recently I have been more and more interested in photography and all my good photos are on my ipod. So I will try to figure that out. but for now you get to read pictureless paragraphs about my life! Lucky you. ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today (;

This morning I got up and ready for school. At 7:05, got on the bus (oh so fun). Went in to the school gym. we always meet there before school starts and then they dismiss us by grade. I went to host today. Don't exactly know what that is but I did it. My host teacher is Mr. Keopple, my history teacher. After host I went to P.E. I am now Hopes (a girl in my P.E. class) favorite white person (: hahaha.
After that I went to my life management class. We just started the foods unit. Its really fun I like it. After that went to English. My teachers name is Mrs. Ray hehe. In English we took a math test then a English test hmmm... haha then I went to LUNCH!!! I had pizza. Since it was raining outside we couldn't go outside, so we stayed in the lunch room for another 10 minutes. Then I went back to English to finish my test.
Finally bell rings... I get on bus and head home. At home and I go into my room and listen to some music. Then I go check the mail. FINALLY there was something for me. Thank you Stephanie!!! Read her letter then spend half an hour writing her back. Then spend another half an hour writing my sister Katauna a note about how she got up in the middle of the night and started sleep walking and then ran into the closet door. hahaha I love her. Then I came into the kitchen looking for something to eat and found the laptop on the counter. So here I am updating my blog(: and now I'm done updating for now!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Alright so its been FOREVER since I last updated. and a lot has happened since I last posted for example..I'M IN OKLAHOMA!?! who new? Well its really hot out here. ever since we moved out here its been over 100 degrees every day. Yuck! The last few days have actually been pretty nice. I'm in 8th grade now. Its very different from Vista (older). I have 7 classes. Period one is warrior time, P2 is PE, P3 Life Management, P4 English, P5 History, LUNCH, P6 Math, and P7 is Science. I like all my classes besides warrior time, PE, Life Management, English, History, Math and Science. (: hmm what else...Oh! Stephanie my cousin is getting married in November and I get to be her Brides Maid!!! AHH. I'm really excited about that. That means it will be my first time on a plane ever! I can't wait to visit because I get to see everyone. So right now I am listening to a song called Listen to Your Heart by D.H.T. Its pretty good but I feel like skipping it. Oh one of my favorite songs at the time is Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. Its probably not the best song to be listening to but I really love the beat. Speaking of music I have started to enjoy dancing. In my room mostly but I really like it. what else to talk about? There starting clubs at school and I'm going to be in the art club which should hopefully be fun. There painting sets for our schools play. The Suessical Jr. I think everyone is in it but me haha. In February or April they are starting soccer and track. I'm super excited for that. Alright I have no idea what to write now so I guess this is the end.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Vista Heights

Well here is my school Vista Heights Middle School home of the black hawks. I really enjoy middle school because I get to make great friends every other day(: I have more then one class and well yeah it's pretty cool (:

Here's one of my best friends Aubrey man I love that girl

The hall's after 2nd period

one of my other really good friends Tanner. What a nerd

After school on the bus

Last but not least two of the greatest friends Katelyn and Shaylin (: